Company Registration Number In Spain​

Everything you need to know about the CIF number

The business registration number in Spain gives access to the Spanish corporate tax system and is necessary for national or foreign companies to trade, establish branches or have employees in Spain.

What is CIF?

Actually, the CIF (tax identification code) stopped being used in 2008: it is now called NIF (tax identification number), but many people still use the previous denomination colloquially. In any case, it means the company registration number in Spain.

The CIF number in Spain (NIF) is a key that serves to identify a legal person for tax and customs purposes. This key is composed of 9 alphanumeric characters:

  • First letter indicates the social form and nationality of the Spanish or foreign company (with or without a permanent establishment in Spain).
  • A 7-digit number: the first two correspond to the province (00 for foreigners) and the five following to the registration in the Provincial Registry.
  • A check digit (letter or number) in order to allow format validation.

When you have provided the valid documentation for your spanish company registration number you will be given a payment form to go to the bank and pay the corresponding fee. Once you have made the deposit, take the payment receipt to the office and the NIE number will be delivered to you.

How do I get the CIF number in Spain?

The procedures for obtaining the CIF vat number in Spain can be particularly complex for foreign companies. The best way to save time and money is to rely on corporate lawyers so that they are responsible for managing it in the most effective way to create a business registration number

An English-speaking corporate attorney specialized in international societies is the fastest and easiest way to get the CIF number in Spain. Such is the case of GM lawyers: your experts in corporate law in Marbella.

Finding a lawyer in Marbella as GM Lawyers is all you need to get your company registration number CIF in Spain: a team of company lawyers specializing in commercial register number, who will handle all the procedures and will speak to you in your own language.

GM Lawyers takes care of everything so that your company does not have to worry about anything: obtaining the NIE for the directors of your company (essential requirement to obtain the CIF number in Spain), corporate tax return, hiring employees, etc.

Starting to work in the Spanish territory is very easy with a law firm in Marbella as GM Lawyers. Contact us for more information.

Tax Id Numbers In Spain

Who should have a CIF number?

Any entity or legal person that will carry out procedures with tax significance in Spain must have a CIF company registration number (issued by the Ministry of Finance).

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