What Is Construction Law?

Construction Law

The urban right is a branch of administrative law formed by the set of legal rules that regulate urban planning and land use.

In Spain the urban law has evolved, however the practical application of the laws corresponds to the autonomous communities, which makes more difficult a uniform treatment and gives rise to different urban rights according to each autonomy.

From our law firm GM Lawyers Marbella we advise our clients to obtain licenses, claims and due diligence. We have urban and real estate lawyers experts in construction law.

What Is A Due Diligence?

Prior to the sale of a property, a Due Diligence will be performed to verify the legal and technical aspects related to the property. It is a detailed study almost required currently for any important transaction.

Through a Due Diligence the technical documentation is verified as licenses, permits, etc. In addition, it accurately evaluate the property and the costs of repair, improvement and / or extension of the property.

The objective of an urban due diligence is to provide trust and transparency to the relationship between the parties involved in the process and its completion is usually carried out by an independent third party. From GM Lawyers Marbella we take care of the realization of urban Due Diligence through our urban planning lawyers and our law firm.

What Is A Planning License?

The urban planning license is a form of authorization through which the Administration performs a control of legality prior to the realization of the works or land uses or any urban development requested by the promoter.

It is necessary and required to obtain an urban planning license and it must be requested before carrying out the works or modification of urban land. The licenses will be granted according to the territorial and urban planning of each Autonomous Community.

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Construction law in Spain