What Is NIE Number?

NIE Number

The spanish NIE Foreigner Identity Number is an identification of foreigners who relate to Spain because of their social, economic or professional interests. Read on to discover what the procedures for obtaining it are and what their advantages are.

How to get NIE in Spain?

  1. Download the NIE´s formulary (EX15) and print it to fill it out and sign it.
  2. You can submit the application both in your country (Spanish embassy or consulate) and in Spain (any police station or Aliens Office).
  3. Accompany the form with the following documentation:
  4. Original and copy of your valid passport, travel title or inscription of identification card.
  5. Explanation in writing what are the reasons that justify the request of the NIE in Spain.
  6. Documentary proof of not being in an irregular situation (just justify that the date of entry into Spain was not more than 90 days ago).
  7. In the case of acting through a representative, he must provide sufficient power to enable him to do it.

When you have provided the valid documentation you will be given a payment form to go to the bank and pay the corresponding fee. Once you have made the deposit, take the payment receipt to the office and the NIE number will be delivered to you.

These are the advantages of having the NIE number in Spain

  • Open a bank account.
  • Enroll in Social Security.
  • Buy or sell real estate.
  • Create a company
  • Pay taxes.
  • Buy a car and get a driving license.
  • Apply to get a job and work in Spain.

What is the best way to get the NIE in Spain?

In principle, these procedures may seem simple, but in practice they are very complicated: long queues, errors with documentation, renewal, confusion with the TIE card….

So, we can assure you that the best way to get the NIE in Spain is with the professional advice of a lawyer in Spain law firm, whose solicitors will speak with you in your own language. Such is the case of GM Lawyers: a prestigious law firm specialized in attend foreigners who want to live in Spain.

If you are looking for a lawyer in Marbella expert in administrative law to help you get the NIE, you need to have the services of GM Lawyers: the better way to obtain it as quickly and comfortably as possible. What are you waiting for to make an appointment?

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NIE in Spain