Starting A Business In Spain As A Foreigner

Starting a business in Spain as a foreigner

If you are thinking of starting a business in Spain as a foreigner, you are in the right place. In the following article we are going to talk about the requirements that are necessary to start a commercial activity as a freelance or create a limited liability company in Spain. Furthermore, you can always contact our lawyers in Marbella for more detailed information.

The first thing we must clarify is that if you already have a long-term residence permit, you are a community member or you already have Spanish nationality, you will have the same rights and duties as Spaniards to work for someone else, to exercise as a self-employed worker registering your General Regime of Social Security or to create a company or limited liability company or corporation.

It is different if the permission you have is someone else’s or your own. The first will give you the right to work for someone else, but you cannot register in the General Social Security Regime as a self-employed person, but you can set up a company and appoint a Spanish resident as administrator. The second permission if it empowers you to register as a freelance.

Limited Liability

In any case, you can always create a limited liability company regardless of your state and leave it inactive until you manage to regulate your situation and obtain any of the permits mentioned above that enable you to start a business in Spain

This last point is extremely important since it allows you to travel to Spain to be able to probe the possible markets of your interest, see places where you will carry out your future activity and take advantage of the business opportunities that our country offers in the same way that you will provide to our economy.

Lawyer/Solicitor Services

GM Lawyers Marbella

Tax Lawyer

A tax lawyer specializes in providing legal advice and assistance related to tax matters. This includes tax planning, compliance, and dispute resolution. Tax lawyers help individuals and businesses navigate complex tax codes, ensure compliance with tax laws, and strategize to minimize tax liabilities. They may also represent clients in tax audits and appeals.

Administrative Law

Corporate law involves legal aspects related to the formation, operation, and dissolution of corporations. Corporate lawyers provide advice on matters such as corporate governance, compliance with regulations, mergers and acquisitions, contractual relationships, and shareholder rights. They play a crucial role in drafting legal documents, negotiating transactions, and representing corporations in legal proceedings.

Property Law

Property law encompasses legal matters related to real estate. Property lawyers assist clients in buying, selling, leasing, and managing real estate. They handle issues such as property transactions, title disputes, zoning regulations, and landlord-tenant disputes. Property law is crucial for individuals and businesses involved in real estate transactions.

Corporate Law

Administrative law deals with the legal framework that governs the actions and decisions of administrative agencies and government bodies. Lawyers specializing in administrative law assist clients in navigating regulatory processes, handling disputes with government agencies, and ensuring compliance with administrative regulations. This area of law often involves issues such as licensing, permits, government contracts, and regulatory compliance.

Hereditary Law

Hereditary law, also known as succession or inheritance law, deals with the legal transfer of assets and property from one generation to another. Lawyers in this field assist individuals in creating wills, establishing trusts, and navigating the legal processes involved in estate planning and distribution. They handle issues related to intestate succession (when there is no will) and work to ensure the smooth transfer of assets according to the deceased person’s wishes.

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