There are many reasons that may bring you to Spain. For each reason, there is a different visa you should apply for. So, we are about to explain to you the different types of visa to travel to Spain. That way, you will have the information to choose the one that best suit your purposes or the one you are eligible for. But we will start for the beginning.
What is a visa for Spain or Schengen visas?
A visa, in general, is an authorization to enter a country and remain for a specific amount of time. This visa will tell which kind of activities you can do in the country you are in. The special thing with Spain is that is part of the Schengen space, along with other 25 countries. Between these 26 countries there are not borders. So, a Schengen visa will allow you to visit the 26, but the amount of time you are given is for the 26 as well. So, basically, it works as it was one only country.
To get a visa you will meet some criteria, complete some procedures and, probably, pay a fee.
Short term visas
When you are staying less than three months in Spain, you will apply for short term visas. The visas available for such a period of time are the following ones:
Spain Schengen visas
As we said before, this will allow you to visit the 26 countries within the Schengen space. You can remain there for 90 days in a 180 day period. If you are a national of one of the 62 countries under the Schengen visa regime, you do not need to apply for a visa in this case. Obviously, if you a part of the Schengen space, you will not need a visa either, because there are not borders.
Spain Transit Visa
“Transit” makes reference of going through a place, but not stopping there. This means that you may spend some hours in Spain because it is a stop in your route, but not your final destination. For this visa, your destination must be a non-Schengen country. If not, you will need the previous visa. The two types of Spain Transit Visas are “Airport transit” and “Seamen Transit”.
Spain Tourist and Visitor Visa
Here comes everything related with tourism, whether it is vacating, sightseeing or even visiting relatives living in Spain.
Spain Medical Treatment Visa
People who are coming to Spain with medical purposes should apply for this visa.
Spain EEA/EU Dependent Visa
If you are a spouse or an under age child of a EU, EEA or Switzerland citizen you should apply for this visa.
Spain Visa for Missing Residence Permit
This visa has been created for people who were living in Spain with a Spanish Residence Permit but it expired while they were abroad. If this is your case, you should apply for this visa in order to be able to return and apply for your permit again.
Spain Study or Training Visa
This visa allows a person to do a training course or a study course in Spain for less than 90 days.
Spain Visa for Diplomatic Passport Holders
People holding a diplomatic passport issued by their country can apply for this kind of visa.
Spain Business Visa
Everything that has to do with making business in Spain for a short period of time, goes with this visa.
Long term visas
After seeing all the short term visas available, we are going to explain the long term ones. These visas allow you to stay in Spain longer that three months and, at the same time, you might have more freedom to perform other kind of activities in Spain. You will not need to apply for these visas if you are a citizen from the European Union, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein or Switzerland.
If you do not belong to any of these countries, these are the main types of long term visas for Spain you:
Spain Student Visa
You will need this one if you would like to study in Spain for a longer period than three months.
Spain Work Visa
This visa is needed for working in Spain.
Spain Au Pair Visa
For working as an au pair with a family in Spain, there is this specific visa.
Spain Golden Visa
If you are investing in real estate, this visa may suit you.
Spain Entrepreneur Visa
If investing, but not in real estate, is what brings you to Spain, you may apply for this visa.
Spain Working Holiday Visa
This visa is perfect for people who wish to come to Spain for a summer job.
Non-Lucrative Residence Visa
If you have sufficient income to support yourself in Spain for a long term without working, this is your visa. You will be allow to live here and you will also be able to apply for a residence permit.